The Art of Ground Poles

Fairfield Westchester Professional Horsemen’s Association Presents
The Art of Ground Poles with Cynthia Williams
Monday, September 27, 2021
Check in starts at 5:00pm
Clinic begins at 6:00pm
Sunnyfield Farm
825 South Bedford Rd
Bedford, NY
Free to all Members – $20 for Non-Members (to include a 2021 membership)
[email protected] or [email protected]
Cynthia Williams is no stranger to the world of jumping horses. In the late 70’s she established New England Farm in Greenwich, CT, producing equitation greats such as Archie Cox, Elizabeth Kennedy, Audrey Wagner and Mike Yamazaki.
Ms. Williams has also achieved great success in the Hunter world, coaching her clients to numerous indoor championships as well as WCHR titles. Que Sera, Guapo, Quality Time, Collector’s Item, Remember Me and Southern Light are among the most recognizable names.
Jumper successes include Gaelic, 1991 Pan Am Games Team Bronze and highest placed American as well as 1992 team trial winner for Barcelona Olympic Games. Carello, Josta, Key West and others round out the list. Known for her ability to cross over to the Dressage world, there have been several horses who, started as dressage horses, became successful hunters and equitation mounts under her training. The AHSA Medal Finals winner Ontario, and hunters Sinful and Three Crowns to name a few.